* With your agreement to participate in the Tr.uCore Ambassador Program, you will receive 3 Months Free, which gives you access to unlimited yoga and other fitness classes and discounted wellness services like meditative stretching sessions and fitness coaching to name just two services.
* In order to qualify for the program, you must agree to participate in at least 2 Tr.uCore Classes per week and be willing to promote Tr.uCore to your friends, family, and acquaintances. If class schedules do not fit your schedule, we can Flexbook and create a class that works around your schedule.
* Ambassador Members can bring a friend to 1 Free Class and if they join, the friend will receive a half price Tr.uCore Membership.
* Any referral that becomes a Tr.uCore Member, Ambassadors will receive 1 month at half price (starting after their 3 Months Free) for every member that signs-up. (Example: If 2 referrals sign-up at half-price, you receive 2 Months at half-price yourself after the
3 Free Months. 3 Referral equals 3 Months at half-price, 4 referrals equal 4 months, etc)
* Half-Price Membership is $49/month
* Discounted Wellness Service is for all members at $75/session
As a Tr.uCore Ambassador member, I agree to participate in at least 2 Tr.uCore classes per week over the course of the next three free months and I will promote Tr.uCore to friends, family and acquaintances. If class schedules do not fit my schedule, I will use Flexbook and create classes that work around my schedule.